The Issue
Let me guess – you are either here because you are an IT provider, or part of the IT department for a business, and that business has started moving, or is moving to Office 365 SharePoint. You have setup SharePoint sites, and you want One Drive to login automatically as the Azure user. Well, the process is simple, and we will run through the scenarios below.
The Fix
While doing this, bear in mind your environment. You could be Active Directory, Azure, or Hybrid. You could also have local redirected folders in place, which isn’t a problem, but you will need to redirect these back to the local profile should you wish to backup the desktop and documents to the users local One Drive.
Intune – I would say this is the preferred method of connecting your users into One Drive on login, and if you are still using on-premise Active Directory, I suggest you go hybrid, and log them into Intune. This will give you direct access to the policies on Microsoft 365, which is of course where your data sits.
Group Policy – aaa
Powershell – aaa
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